The film follows 6-year-old Villads in school and at home. Villads often runs into trouble because he loves to play, and most of the times the rules of Villads' playing are in conflict with the rules of the adults.
安德鲁·麦卡锡 金·凯特罗尔 艾斯黛拉·格蒂 詹姆斯·斯派德 G.W.拜利 Carole Davis 史蒂夫·维诺维奇 Christopher Maher 米萨克·泰勒 Phyllis Newman 菲尔·鲁本斯坦 Jeffrey Lampert Kenneth Lloyd Jake Jundef Harvey Levine Thomas J. McCarthy Pat Ryan 本·哈默 拉拉·哈里斯 Dan Lounsbery Andrew Hill Newman 比尔·格林 Fred J. Lauv